Monday, 28 December 2009

The New Year Revolution

I am the person who says ‘the diet starts on Monday’, ‘I’ll stop smoking on Monday’ ‘Starting on Monday I won’t drink for a week’, ‘As of Monday I’m going to go take up jogging’...but Monday never happens.

The net result of which is:
1) I’ve been on a Sunday night binge for about 15 years.
2) I’m 33, but I look 48.
3) If you saw my bare bottom you’d think I’d been sitting on lego for a long time.

Now, you might need to pour yourself a stiff drink or lie down before I tell you this.
2010 will be the Monday I’ve been putting off my entire adult life. This year I’m going to do all the things I’ve been meaning to do.

Look at it.
Look at it again.
It’s beautiful.
Have you ever seen four digits look so powerful together? Don’t they look strong? And mystical? Like they should be blown out of a dragon’s mouth in green smoke at the beginning of an episode of Merlin or tattoed into a tanned man’s back in an aftershave advert or at least the name of a really sharp new razor or something.

2010 is ‘the one’. It’s going to be different to all the others. It’s not going to be all about Sauvignon, peanut butter on toast, American serialised box sets and debt.

In 2010 I will finally get my (massive) arse in gear.
I am setting myself ten new years resolutions. And, I think, 10 new years resolutions equal A New Year Revolution.

1) I will not smoke or use nicotine patches for the entire year

2) I will not eat refined sugar

3) I will not eat potatoes, bread or pasta.

4) I will not drink at all under any circumstances on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday

5) I will do at least 5 mins yoga everyday.

6) I will go for a 20 minute jog everyday

7) Every morning I will get up and write three pages of whatever’s in my head.

There are only 7 at the moment.
Please help me find the last three? Is there anything you do, however ridiculous/extreme/wanky/hippy it seems, that betters your life and could better mine too which I could add to my list?

Or do you fancy doing any or all of these with me?

.....come on, it’s the REVOLUTION, man!


  1. Pure jokes especially the lego bum.

    You know us, we couldn't just add one so here is a list to choose from... 2010 does look powerful! Good luck!

    1. Spend the year doing 10 minutes a day of stretching the relevant muscles to be able to do the the splitz in 2011!

    2. Your list looks like you have some great dietary changes coming why not go all the way and swap the beef for lentils and beans! Everyone loves a vegetarian;) Plus you will feel great from aiding the world to become a more sustainable planet!

    3. Floss every day.

    4. Making drastic changes like this can be hard on the mind so a positive mantra could be memorized in order to stay focused and on track. Then you can say to yourself whenever you feel the need!

    5. Climb a mountain. Everest is a good choice but if you haven't got the time to go all the way to Asia find a more local peek. Getting high gives you a different perspective...

    6. Isn't there refined sugar in alcohol???

    Be sure to put yourself around people who will enhance your revolution and not bring it down. Document your progress so other revolutionaries can support your cause.

    Simon will join you on 1, 4, 5, and 7. Does no 3 mean no rye bread or sweet potato??

    GO GIRL!

    Anna & Simon x

  2. just to clarify....when i say refined sugar i mean no sweet things or sugar in tea and coffee!
